Tuesday, November 01, 2005

One down, a lot to go

Hi there everybody! Just got back at tha Billy Condo from my first exam at my education for this semester.

We had a theory exam, and it's one of a few to come. But at least the first one is out of the way. I did ok though, got a 97.5!!! Yep, it was a good day....

This post will be put on the weblog through email if all goes well. I found out I can post via email, so I thought I'd give it a try. If it works, it'll give me more flexability in updating and posting to both Pasquinel's Place and BlackMylar Europe. Let's see if it works.

But for now I'm gonna sit back, relax, enjoy the latest episode of the Daily Source Code and then hit the sack.

Like I said, it's been a good day....

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Update and assignment

Finally got the change to update the memory of my dearly beloved Mac. I ordered an additional 512 MB and it got in today, so I'm up and running again.... for now.

I'll be going away for a short trip on my bike to Germany so I can recharge again and start my first assignment that has been issued this week at the MultiMedia Engineer education.

We have to assemble a Photoshop composition using a variety of techniques. The deadline is in two weeks. But at the same time we have a theory exam, so I'll be pretty busy coming weeks.

Well, I'll try to contact the USA and then hit the sack.

Oh, and check out the latest post on BlackMylar Europe: new goodies from Apple.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Seems like no short trip this time around...

And again a night post from tha Billy Condo. Finally got some time to update again. Well actually, I don't have the time, that's why I'm posting in the middle of the night. But hey, In Memphis it's day time, so it's just the angle from which you look upon things I guess.

I have been very busy with the education and even though I have vacation right now, I still manage to don't have enough time. I've been looking on the Internet for a short trip outa here and even spend the afternoon at the travel agency. But it's gonna be hard.

Either everything is booked up, or the hotel is available but no plain seat or the train is booked up. Or I have to pay my ass off because I am alone and have to pay a fucking one persons commission so that nice deal that says: 'London: plain ticket and 2 nights hotel for only 69 euro' becomes a 320 euro nightmare! And that's only flight and accommodation. So add up all things like food, tickets, transportation, the bar ;-) and so on, well, that's gonna be an expensive two days.

So I guess there won't be a trip out of here. I even looked at the option of going to one of the Dutch islands. But then I still have to pay like 250 to 300 euros for 4 days. And that's only accommodation.

I just cannot afford that kind a money for a few days. I need to invest a lot of money the coming time for my education and the various soft- and hardware I have to buy to get my MultiMedia Engineer thing rolling.

And of course I have to save up some money to go to the States somewhere next year. It's been almost three years already since I've been there last. I got an email from Don that he's about to sell his beautiful big house from the early nineteenth century (see picture). I always loved coming to that house. It will be strange to visit Don next time and not going to that house. I have some good memories of it.

That seems to be the trend lately in my life: change. And I hate it. Although it also can bring you new things, it's not always for the better. But I guess I just have to swallow it and move on.

Anyways, enough of this down bringing post. I'll be back shortly on BlackMylar Europe, which can use a new post and if I got the time maybe a new podcast. So I'll see you there, or maybe you'll read some more 'exciting' vacation stories on Pasquinel's Place. Who will know...

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Back at the condo, soaking wet

Well, of course it had to be pouring on Thursday, one of the nights I had to go to class on my bike. Just got back and wanted to quickly give y'all an update on my post from yesterday.

I talked about getting in touch with Don to see if he got more info on our friends from New Orleans. I did talk to Don last night, but he hadn't been able to get in contact with either of them. So, I guess we'll just hope for the best. We'll keep trying though.

Also Don send me an email with a comment on how he felt about the way the government acted upon the tragedy that took place in New Orleans. I posted it on BlackMylar Europe for y'all to read.

Well, that's it for today. I am hitting the sack...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Joss Stone in my ear, words on my blog

While Joss Stone is soulfully s(w)inging in my ears I'm about to update Pasquinel's Place. I really don't have a lot of time left to regularly update this blog. Most of my time is going to my education to become (a fine) Multi Media Engineer and of course in the work I am doing for BlackMylar.

But when my college Hans Pieter was writing a piece about the beta of Google Blogsearch he just noticed that Pasquinel's Place hadn't been updated for a while. So HP, here it is.

Last couple of days been very busy. And I recon that will happen a lot coming two years, while classes are running. But all that is nothing compared to the waiting to hear from friends who (until Katrina roared it's ugly head) lived in New Orleans. I still haven't been able to get word of where they are and if they are ok. I've been mailing and calling with my friend Don in Memphis, but he hasn't heard anything either. All communication to the town is almost impossible. And if we would get through, there's nobody left in that town anyways. So it wouldn't get us anywhere. So for now we still don't know where David, Dan, Roy and Doug are at this moment. I'm hoping that Don will have more news in the meantime. I'll talk to him tonight.

Fortunately I got word from my friend Casey in Alabama that his friend Michael and his friends Charles and Beaver who lived in New Orleans made it out of Louisiana and arrived in Alabama safely. Just in time.

Well, is there any good news? Well, yes there might be. It looks like the housing thing will be put on hold for some time. That'll give me some space.

There are plans on renovating and partially demolish a couple of blocks in my neighborhood. That means I have to get out of my house and find myself a new place. But it looked like this would take place in February, just at the same time when I have my Multi Media Engineer exams for the first six months block. But it looks like the city council, who have to approve the plans of the housing corporation, are not totally convinced on all the plans. So now there is a change that some of the planning will be postponed.

As Joss Stone fades away from my ears, I guess it's time to get on the phone to Memphis.....Tennessee, baby. I guess this will be enough of a post to last y'all a while...

Monday, August 29, 2005

Finally some time to update

Finally I get around to post on Pasquinel's Place.

If been very busy setting up the right feed for BlackMylar Europe, putting together the trial of the BlackMylar EuroCast and making some posts to BlackMylar Europe.
In time I will put up a feed for this blog also.

On top of that, my education for web and interaction design started. After successful completion I will become a MultiMedia Engineer. It's a part time education which I will follow in the evening, two evenings a week besides my full time job. So you can imagine I'm very busy at the moment and this will only increase the next two years, as long as the education is running.

So the amount of posts on BlackMylar Europe will probably decrease. But I'll try to keep Pasquinel's Place up to date so y'all can follow what I'm up to in my personal life.

I hope you like to read it.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

BlackMylar Europe is a fact

Last sunday I was talking to my good friend Casey from Alabama. Using Skype, we talked for hours. And the best part is, that it's free! It was during that conversation that we finally did what we were talking about a long time: setting up the European section of BlackMylar.com.

Since Casey and his brothers had set up BlackMylar.com some time ago, we got to talk about a section for the European readers of BlackMylar. But like all things, it stayed with the talking. No time, busy, yada yada... You know the drill, right? But last sunday while talking through Skype we whipped up the BlackMylar Europe. Now it will be a matter of time to get started and get some interesting stories and discussions going on.

So keep an eye out on BlackMylar Europe. And if you get the change, just visit the blog of my friend Casey: Dirty South Report.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Trying out Blogger

Welcome to Pasquinel's Place, my first blogger weblog.
I never really wanted to start a blog, cause I feel that you really must have something to say and otherwise don't bother putting it up on the web. Cause there is some bad shit out there, I can tell you.

So why then make a blog if there is nothing to say?

Well, actually, I'm just trying it out. I was working on my website and just came across Blogger while I was checking my e-mail. And I thought, well why go through all that trouble building a personal website when I can put that same information on a weblog. Cause really, a personal website doesn't really need a full build professional website. Putting it on the web like a blog saves a lot of time building it and is much easier to maintain.

So, there you have it. In just five minutes I threw this baby together. But then again, I might still go for the regular website, I don't know yet.