Monday, August 29, 2005

Finally some time to update

Finally I get around to post on Pasquinel's Place.

If been very busy setting up the right feed for BlackMylar Europe, putting together the trial of the BlackMylar EuroCast and making some posts to BlackMylar Europe.
In time I will put up a feed for this blog also.

On top of that, my education for web and interaction design started. After successful completion I will become a MultiMedia Engineer. It's a part time education which I will follow in the evening, two evenings a week besides my full time job. So you can imagine I'm very busy at the moment and this will only increase the next two years, as long as the education is running.

So the amount of posts on BlackMylar Europe will probably decrease. But I'll try to keep Pasquinel's Place up to date so y'all can follow what I'm up to in my personal life.

I hope you like to read it.

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