Thursday, May 03, 2007

Loooonggg time....

It has been a long time since I have been able to put up a new post here. In the mean time a lot has happened, so let me give you a very short update.

As you can read in my previous post, I am studying at the College of Multimedia in Amsterdam where I am taking the course MultiMedia Engineer, the education for web- and interaction-design. This is and has been taking up most of my free time. If all is well, I will be done by September.

You could also read that I was involved in BlackMylar Europe. BlackMylar became StealFrame and consequently BlackMylar Europe became StealFrame Europe. This was in january 2006 and all future StealFrame and StealFrame Europe posts would go on a new website. Writing for BlackMylar Europe and StealFrame Europe took up a lot of my time alongside my job and the education. So I didn't have time to update this blog.

That was why.

Unfortunately due to technical and other problems the StealFrame website does not excist anymore. With these problems, a lot of the posts disappeared too. We hope to recover some of the StealFrame Europe posts. If we do, I will let you know right here.

StealFrame is now located at MySpace as long as the new website isn't finished. You will find StealFrame at

Pasquinel and MySpace
Since StealFrame is on MySpace, I have decided to go to MySpace too. The majority of the old BlackMylar Europe posts and in some time the StealFrame Europe posts can be found on my MySpace page. On this page I will put up my personal posts that will also appear here on Pasquinel's Place. All current and future posts on StealFrame you can find at

So there you have in short what I have been up to and where you can find all the materials and blogs. If all goes well, from now on there will be regular posts again.

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