Thursday, May 31, 2007

On line again....

Allrighty....there goes the promise of keeping up with the blog this time around. For, stupid me, I had to change my internet connection to a newer, faster (and cheaper) subscription. And of course I thought everything would go like a breeze. Well, think again.

The technical connection was on time and they flipped the switch on the promised date. But..... they forgot to start sending me the modem on time, so I had a brand new adsl2 connection waiting for me, but no adsl2 modem to connect to it.

Well, today finally the modem was waiting for me on the stair case when I got home. And yes, we are on line again. So while Michael Warren is singing in my ears, I am quickly typing up this blog to let you know why I was away that long.

So again, let's try to keep the blogging up.

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